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Happy Halloween From Time Dental


Everyone has their favourite sweets, and with Halloween coming up this weekend it’s the perfect opportunity

to indulge! But here are a few things to quickly consider before devouring your trick or treat goodies…..

1)      Avoid sour candy. According to research, some sour sweets can contain pH levels that rival battery acid!

2)      Try substituting your usual choice with a low or sugar-free option. There is a wide variety to choose from!

3)      If you do eat a lot of sugary sweets, it’s important to rinse your mouth out with water afterwards as this neutralises the mouth.

4)      Don’t brush your teeth! Not straight away anyway. This may sound surprising coming from a dentist, but by brushing your teeth straight after consuming something sugary or acidic you run the risk of weakening the tooth enamel. In time this will expose the sensitive dentine below the enamel surface, causing pain and sensitivity and may even lead to tooth decay.

5)      Avoid soft, sticky treats that get stuck between teeth.

6)      Before going to bed make sure you brush your teeth and floss thoroughly.

We hope you have a fun-filled Halloween!!!  Dont forget to visit us to make sure your teeth and gums stay healthy!

The Time Dental team

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