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Time Dental At The Aacd


Team Effort!

On Friday 24th and Saturday 25th September, the Time Dental team all attended the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) International Meeting. The course, held in central London, was fully packed with lectures and hand-on workshops which focused on different aspects of modern cosmetic dentistry. As a member of the BACD (the British division of the AACD) Dr Rashid has attended many of these meetings, however for Amanda and Michaela this was their first dental conference! There were a lot of different stalls offering the newest hi-tech dental gadgets, but the main focus was on the lectures and workshops the Team had signed up for.  These included a lecture from Dr Bob Khanna on Botox and Fillers, and a workshop on ways to improve our client’s experience.  The team thoroughly enjoyed seminars on the latest developments on treating patients with clenching and grinding problems. How to restore them with crowns and veneers without them breaking due to the grinding habit.  The seminars helped to reinforce that the composite white fillings and the onlays that we are providing are the most advanced techiniques to date.  Which is great to know for all our patients!

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