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Popcorn-Tastic In Alton

Watch out for popcorn!

I really enjoy going to the cinema and watching DVDs, and you can’t beat having some popcorn to enjoy the experience but you have to be careful. “I had a client eat popcorn and ended up breaking her tooth on a kernel,” says Dr Rashid of Time Dental in Surrey,  “her tooth already had a very large mercury filling in it.  Mercury fillings actually weaken your teeth overtime. They expand and contract and cause microscope fracture lines to form in your teeth.  So if you bite into anything crunchy or hard like popcorn, nuts, muesli, boiled sweets, hard bread, or bread with granary seeds in them you’re very likely to break your tooth!  That’s why when cavities get to a certain size; I recommend either having an onlay or crown.”

Crowns and onlays are bespoke hand crafted restorations that protect the biting surface of your tooth.  This means that your tooth is at a lower risk of breaking.  Crowns and onlays can be made of gold, ceramic or resin.  Tooth coloured crowns and onlays are obviously popular as they look like a normal tooth.  “My advice would be to avoid those types of foods, and if you do eat them be careful!”


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