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Confidence Boost In Farnham

Having discoloured teeth can seriously affect your confidence.  A client came to see us at Time Dental beacuse he was very conscious of his stained teeth and old veneers.  He was in the business of meeting people and understood the importance of feeling confident and how important it is to smile.  He had got to the point where he was not showing his teeth and avoided being photographed.

On assessing his concerns he had two old veneers where the margins of the veneers where showing by the gum line, and his teeth had a general stain to them.  He drank alot of black tea and coffee to help him get through the day, so it was not surprising to see this much staining.  If you drink normal tea, herbal teas, coffee, red wine, fizzy drinks with lots of colour in them you are constantly discolouring your teeth.

We discussed his options and the simplest plan to address his concerns and get him smiling again was to whiten his teeth with a professional tooth whitening system and then replace to his two veneers to match his whiter teeth.

Tooth whitening is the easiest way to make a difference to your smile.  Its safe, easy to do and you can achieve great results if carried out properly.  One thing to bare in mind is that if you whiten your teeth fillings, vebeers and crowns will not be affected by the whitening gel.  This was why we whitened the teeth first, and once we had achieved a good result, the veneers are then colour matched to the whiter teeth.

So how did he feel afterwards?  Well he couldn’t stop smiling! 

See how we can help your confidence call 01252 723 008

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