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Dentist Near Farnborough General Cosmetic

A client came to see us at Time Dental wanting to get back into routine care for his dental health.  He had recently moved near to the area and was looking for a new dentist.  He had not been for a number of years and although he was not experiencing any problems he had heard that gum disease can occur even if you do not have any discomfort.

He was absoultely correct in his thinking.  Just beacuse you have no pain from your teeth and gums does not mean to say that everything is healthy in your mouth!  If you wait to experience actual discomfort you may have a more serious problem which may well be more complicated to sort out.  Thats why it’s so important to have 6 monthly healthy mouth reviews.  At Time Dental we provide a preventative approach to dental care.  That means providing you with the best advise for your mouth and your lifelstyle to ensure you and your mouth stays healthy.  We are able to spot things early and give you your options of what you can do to improve the health of your mouth.

This may mean looking at the foods that you eat that can affect your dental health.  We can provide the best brushing and interdental cleaning techniques.  We can even provide fissure sealants for both children and adults which shallow out the deep grooves (fissures) of your back teeth to prevent decay from starting in these areas.  Many people are night time teeth grinders and this can have a huge impact on your teeth, chewing muscles and your jaw; identifying whether you grind and giving you the appropriate advice can have a really positive impact on your life.

Feel free to call us to see how we can help.  01252 723 008

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