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Straight Teeth Fast With Inman Aligner At Godalming Dentists Surrey

A patient came to see us who was unhappy with their smile.  He was recently going through a personal life crisis, and was feeling very down about himself.  His confidence was low and he wanted to make a good impression when meeting people for the first time.  He had always been aware of his crowded, uneven teeth and this had not bothered him until now.

On assessing his mouth, his main issue was the overlapping upper front four teeth.  He felt that if he could get these straight as quickly as possible it would really give a boost to his confidence.

We discussed all the options.  One option was to have fixed braces, which he was not too keen on as it took a long time and he did not want to be seen with a brace on.  Another option was the invisible clear aligner system- Invisalign.  These clear aligners are changed every 2 weeks and incrementaly move your teeth over a period of time.  Although the advantage was that they were virtually invisible, and he could eat what ever he wanted as they were removable, they would still take at least 8 months to get this teeth straight.

The other option was the Inman aligner.  This is a removable brace that squeezes the front four teeth into a straight position in matter of weeks.  As it is removable you can still eat whatever you like.  The main advantage is the speed.  It uses very gentle pressure to move the teeth super fast which is its secret.

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