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Cosmetic Dentist Near Godalming

A patient came to see us at Time Dental looking to improve her smile.  She was unhappy with the shape of her front teeth.  She felt that they were too stumpy and she was also unhappy about the discolouration of them.  She wanted to know her options and what could be done.

On assessment, we noted that she already had four composite veneers on her upper incisors.  They were placed as a teenager as she had decay around her orthodontic brackets at that time.  The composite veneers now looked sightly worn and not at their best.  She had very short teeth and she showed a significant amount of gum when she smiled.  Her teeth on either side of her veneers were also quite dark and discoloured.

To help her we decided her first steps would be to professional tooth whiten.  Teeth whitening is a straight forward and popular procedure when done correctly and with a professional product.  Teeth whitening can result in up to 8 shades lighter which is a great result for an easy procedure. 

Once we had whitened her teeth we took some photos and impressions to provide a 3D preveiw of what her new teeth would look like.  We discussed her options and decided that a gu lift and 6 porcelain veneers would give a good result but 8 would be even better.  She opted for the 6 veneers with a view to going to 8 in the future.

The gum lift would reduce the gummy smile and elongate her teeth.  Once that had been carried out, preparation would go underway for the 6 porcelain veneers.  Veneers are a perfect way for improving shape colour and form of teeth. hey are made of laminate porcelain that are handcrafted and bespoke for each individual tooth.   Porcelain veneers do not wear like composite veneers.  They also do not discolour and last much longer as they are mcuh stronger.  Porcelain veneers look their best for 10-15 years.

Time Dental provides porcelain veneers for patients in the Godalming, Guildford, Farnborough, Fleet, Alton and Haslemere area, as well as the surrounding towns and villages in Surrey, West Sussex, Hampshire and Berkshire counties.

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