Acupuncture has proven benefits. Fact.
Many people have acupuncture for medical problems, but did you know that acupuncture can also help when you are at the dentist? If you suffer from a sensitive gag reflex, or if you grind or clench your teeth, or even if you are very nervous- acupuncture can help. Acupuncture has a scientific background and the efficacy has been tested in a number of clinical trials including pain management, facial pain, TMD and increasing of the pain threshold.
Acupuncture placed at very specific points on the face and the hands can have a huge beneficial impact. If used in conjunction with breathing techniques if you are nervous or have a gag reflex or if you have TMJD (temperomandibular joint dysfunction) combined with a special deprogramming nightguard- This can really help.
Our team at Time Dental are offering this extra service to their patients. It’s not for everyone, but if it works for you to help calm the anxiety why not give it a try?
Time Dental- Private dental care at its best.
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