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Straight Teeth Adult Orthodontic Brace Dentist Farnborough

A Time Dental we are seeing a number of adult patients looking to straighten their front teeth.  When straightening adult teeth the options used to be very limited to train track braces.  Not any more.  You can have staight teeth with the new invisible adult braces.

A patient came to see us who was unhappy with her crowded wonky upper front teeth.  We discussed her options and she defiinitely did NOT fixed train track braces.  Her other options were the invisible aligner options such as Invisalign or the fast acting Inman aligner.  These two types of braces act in very different ways.

The Inman aligner adult brace can move and straighten teeth in a matter of weeks using very gentle pressure.  So no more tightening of wires!

The invisalign aligner system for adult orthodontics is a braces system that use clear aligners that incrementaly move teeth into the correct position.

Dr Rashid is a certified provider of both adult braces and carries out this treatment for patients in the Farnborough area as well as the rest of Hampshire, Surrey, West Sussex and Berkshire counties.

Time Dental- private dental care at its best.

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