Tooth whitening can be the easiest way to make an impact and improve your smile to ensure confidence. It is a very common procedure carried out by Time Dental’s cosmetic dentist Dr Rashid in Farnham, Surrey.
If you have discoloured or stained teeth a course of tooth whitening can freshen up your smile. There are two main types of tooth whitening. In-office tooth whitening and professional tooth whitening at-home. The In-office tooth whitening system involves placing a high concentration of gel on the teeth for one hour and this can immediately brighten the teeth. Some systems use a light source to activate the gel and other systems are chemically activated. The end result is essentially the same.
The other method is the professional tooth whitening kit. This is where special custom fit teeth whitening trays are made and the gel at a lower concentration is placed into the trays. The trays are then worn for 1 hour per day for approximately 10-14 days.
Time dental provides this service to patients in the Surrey area as well as Hampshire, West sussex and Berskshire.
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