Lots of people are nervous about coming to the dentist. This can stem from bad experiences as a child and the negative emotions are brought all the way through to adulthood. There are ways to deal with dental phobia and one such option is sedation.
A patient came to Time Dental in Farnham which is very close to Guildford in Surrey. He only attended when he was in pain and the last time he went to see a dentist was 10 years ago. He was aware that he had multiple teeth that were badly broken and new they could not be saved. He was terrified at the thought of having dental treatment.
We discussed his options which included relaxation and breathing exercises as well as the option of IV sedation. This is where a sedative is given which helps you to relax. It is important to note this is not like a general anesthetic where you are asleep. IV sedation is conscious sedation meaning that you are awake and can communicate with the dentist which is important, however you have a very fuzzy, vague recollection of this and will not remember much of the treatment. IV sedation is completely safe and is a great way of dealing with anxiety when visiting the dentist.
To see how we can help call us.
Time Dental- Private dental care at its best.
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