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Porcelain Veneers At Dentist Near Farnborough, Hampshire

Dentist near Farnborough, Hampshire describes what dental veneers are and how they can improve your confidence from Time DentalWhat are porcelain veneers?  Dental veneers are thin porcelain laminates that are bonded to the teeth.

They are custom fit and bespoke crafted by a master ceramist. The ceramists are more like artists of the dental world!  Once the ceramist has added effects to the veneers to make them life like they are sent back to the cosmetic dentist to bond onto the teeth.  Once they are bonded they are very strong and last many years when looked after properly.

Dental veneers can be used on single teeth or multiple teeth to make a dramatic improvement to your smile. They are often prescribed to change the shade of a tooth; improve the shape; alter the form; and improve your smile.

Call us at Time Dental to see he we can help you.

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