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National Smile Month: Diet Advice: Time Dental Near Godalming

Time Dental near Godalming, Surrey provides alternatives to sugary foods and drinks to maintain good dental health


As Part of National Smile Month, Time Dental near Godalming, Surrey is producing a series of blogs to help educate and promote the benefits of good dental health. Today the topic is diet advice and the benefits of healthy eating.

Research shows two in three people in the UK rather than having three meals are more prone to snack throughout the day.  This does not give their teeth enough time to recover from the acid attack produced by plaque bacteria and the sugar in foods and drinks.

Frequent consumption of sugary foods and drinks will weaken the protective enamel layer of teeth.  If you do need to snack between meals choose foods and drinks that do not contain sugar which limits the amount the teeth are under attack.

Firstly have a proper breakfast, lunch and dinner- this will reduce the need for you to snack; so many people regularly skip breakfast; if you need to snack try soft nuts (unsalted); have a bowl of fruit by your desk at work; make sure you are fully hydrated- drink plenty of water; try eating baked crisps as a healthier alternative to normal crisps; cheese; low fat bread sticks; carrot sticks.

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