What is National Smile Month about? It’s the U.K’s largest oral health campaign. It started on the 20th May and finishes on the 20th June. At the heart of it there are three important key messages to improve oral health.
1. Brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes with a fluoride toothpaste.
2. Cut down on how often you snack on sugary food and drinks.
3. Visit the dentist regularly, as often as they recommend.
Sounds easy, and yet statistics show only 50% of the population visit the dentist regularly! National Smile Month was created by the British Dental Health Foundation in 1976. The campaign has helped change the oral health landscape in the UK.
However research has shown oral health problems still persist, with many people overlooking the value of good oral health. More than a third of adults are likely to delay dental treatment due to cost. More than half of the UK workforce isn’t allowed to take paid leave off work to visit their dentist. 60 per cent of people aged 65 and over regret not looking after their teeth earlier in life.
Time Dental are here to help change that by providing affordable comprehensive care at opening times on weekends and late on weekdays.
Time Dental- Private dental care at its best
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