I recently saw an event advertised at Secretts in Milford, Surrey for a “Thailand Festival” on this August bank holiday. This reminded me of an amazing Thai massage that I had a long time ago. By the end of the hour massage I was so relaxed that I had almost fallen asleep! This got me thinking. How can dental experiences be made relaxing? Is that possible?
Well, a tried and tested method for relaxation is breathing! That’s right. No magic formula. But this is very focused breathing and quite different to your normal breathing. When you get anxious your breathing becomes very shallow, your shoulders hunch up and your muscles can get quite tense. So the next time this happens try this proven relaxation technique:
Place your hands over your belly button. Breathe in slowly through your nose to a count of five. Then breathe out slowly through your mouth for a count of seven. Each time you breathe out make sure your shoulders stay dropped. What you are doing is deep breathing with your diaphragm which helps get more oxygen to your body to help relax. Your hands on your tummy should rise as you breathe in and fall as you breathe out. This ensures that you are breathing deep enough.
You can try this technique anywhere. Try it at your next dental appointment.
Time Dental – Private dental care at its best.
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