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Jonny Depps New Film At Waverley Abbey, Surrey

Jonny Depp as the Mad hatter with gappy front teeth commented by Time Dental Dentist in Farnham, Surrey

Jonny Depp starts filming in “Into the Woods” a musical which is on location at Waverley Abbey in Farnham, Surrey.  He plays The Wolf  which is quite a departure from other roles he has played before. He has proven his singing skills in the musical Sweeney Todd and is already known to play the more “quirkier” roles such as the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland.

This picture of the Mad Hatter shows Jonny Depp with a gap between his front teeth. Although this is just make up effects many people do have gaps between their front teeth and it can really affect their self confidence. Options to close the gaps could be the use of porcelain veneers. Another option could be to use orthodontic dental braces. Nowadays adult orthodontic braces have become much more widely accepted and the treatment options can be very discreet.  Gaps such as this can now be closed in a matter of months with systems such as the 6 month smiles adult orthodontic braces.

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