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Wow! Now that is a great smile!

Meet Helen. She came to see us as as she was unhappy with her crooked teeth and their dark colour. They made her feel very self-concious and she found that she did not smile much especially when photos were being taken.

We discussed her options and what was important to her. She wanted to achieve her goal as fast as possible so she opted for the clear fixed braces. Check out the result after only 7 months!

Wow! Now that is something truly to smile about. She now tells us that people have commented on how much she smiles!

We are so happy that we could help you. Keep smiling Helen!

We achieved this result with clear fixed brackets. The teeth are gently moved into a straighter position. Alot of people ask me if its painful. The answer is that the first 2-3 weeks are uncomfortable as your mouth gets used to the braces and after that it is generally not a problem.

At Time Dental we always advise our patients to keep focused on the end result which is confidence in smiling and the time it takes to get there will fly by.

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