Just to let you know that Time Dental’s Winter half price tooth whitening offer ends on Tuesday 23nd December. Spaces are going fast so CALL now on 01252 723 008 took book your place.
We may not get a white Christmas this year but you can certainly make sure your smile is nice and white for Christmas and New Year with our special offer.
Our whitening package includes a FREE consultation to ensure your teeth are suitable for tooth whitening. Once this is complete we will take impressions of your teeth and construct your special custom fit whitening trays. Your next appointment will be to show you how to carry out the procedure and we always arrange a follow up appointment 3 weeks later to take photos and see how your smile has improved. All this for our special price of £195.
See you soon.
PS. CALL us now on 01252 723 008 to arrange the FREE consultation appointment. You don’t want to miss out.
PPS. If you want to get into the Christmas mood then why not come to the Christmas Carol Service in Bordon on Sunday 21st from 6:30 pm – 8pm at the Forest Community Centre, Pine Hill Road, GU35 0BS. Come along for some fun , mulled wine, carol singing and the real reason for Christmas. You will LOVE it!
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