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The single most important asset when you meet someone new…..

Statistics show when you meet someone for the the first time having a nice smile is crucial in the first 7 seconds you have to make a good first impression.

Take a look at this example. Sarah didn’t like her smile. She would have said she was an outgoing person but her smile didn’t make her feel confident. She new what she didn’t like about her smile but wasn’t sure how to go about fixing it. All she knew was if she could get her teeth straight she would be a much happier person.

So the second photo is her after only 7 months of orthodontic clear braces. She was overjoyed with the result….. and so were we!

Remember 7 seconds……. like it or not that’s all you’ve got to make that all important first impression.

Call us now to see how we can help you on 01252 723 008

Time Dental– Private dental care at its best


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