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Forget about a white Christmas get white teeth instead!

I reckon its NOT going to be a white Christmas this year, but you can make sure you have whiter teeth for your Christmas and New Year parties.

Professional Teeth whitening is easily the most popular treatment to improve your smile. It’s absolutely safe when done correctly and you’ll get a great result. Check out the case above.

This was achieved with the Time Dental professional teeth whitening kit. The first step is to have your teeth assessed for FREE by our cosmetic dentist Dr Rashid. Once you have been given the thumbs up as suitable for teeth whitening, impressions of your teeth are taken to make your custom fit teeth whitening trays. After theses have been made, Dr Rashid will show you the steps for successful teeth whitening.

Get your teeth whitened with our Christmas whitening offer, or why not purchase some for a loved when as a Christmas present? Offer ends 22nd December.

What are you waiting for? Call us on 01252 723 008.

Time Dental– Private Dental care at its best


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