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Teeth straightening in Fleet, Hampshire

We’ve seen many patients from Fleet in Hampshire, which is not far from Time Dental. As a local dentist for Fleet, the most common reason for people coming to see us is that they want to feel more confident when smiling.

There are different ways to improve your smile. It’s important to understand all your options before making a decision. Depending on the clinical situation one option could be to straighten your teeth with adult orthodontic braces.

When I mention this to patients most people think of metal train tracks. There are now many different types of braces. These can be fixed brackets that can be clear; brackets that attach on the inside of your teeth; removable clear aligners; removable spring loaded appliances.

Each orthodontic option works in different ways. So understanding the pros and cons and what is important to you during the treatment process should be discussed at your consultation appointment.

It’s also critical to be clear about what your goals are right from the beginning. This makes it easier to establish which orthodontic adult brace is going to be suitable for you in order to meet your expectations and achieve your goals.

Just imagine how you would feel if you were smiling with straight teeth?

Time Dental are offering a FREE consultation of adult braces. Why not call to see how we can help on 01252 723 008. We’re local dentist to Hampshire.

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