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Have you ever thought about why we are here on Earth? Is there more to life than this? What’s the meaning of life? (and no I don’t mean the Monty Python film!)

If those questions have ever crossed your mind than why not try Alpha?

The Alpha course is way of openly discussing the Christian faith. It’s designed for people who want to understand if there is a God and explore more about the meaning of life and Christianity.

Jubilee Church, in Farnham invite you to the Alpha supper on Wednesday 5th October at Weydon Christian Centre. It’s FREE, you’ll have a great meal and you’ll get a chance to meet other people who are looking to start the course too. There’ll be a small taster talk about the course and it’s a fantastic opportunity to meet new people.

If you want to attend please contact Jubilee Church on this email address: alpha@jubileechurchfarnham.org or visit the Alpha website HERE.

It’s a brilliant adventure. Come have some fun.

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