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Clear fixed othodontic braces in Aldershot

Now when we talk about fixed orthodontic braces, what comes to mind? Ugly metal train tracks? Some of you may remember a tv drama called Ugly Betty where the lead character had metal braces for the entire programme. 

Well forget about those types of braces. Now we can provide clear fixed orthodontic braces in Aldershot. We provide brackets that are clear and ceramic which means they are very strong and they will not stain so they are relatively discreet. The brand names we use are 6 month smiles and clear smile bracesSInce they are fixed to the teeth they are working all the time, which makes them extremely efficient in moving your teeth quickly.

How long will it take?

Treatment time can vary from 4-10 months depending on each case. This is super fast compared to your traditional comprehensive orthodontic treatment of 2-3 years.

How does it work?

So what’s the secret of them moving your teeth that fast, you may ask? Well the secret is that it uses very gentle pressure. In fact, the lighter the pressure the faster your teeth move! I know that sounds crazy but that’s how it works. The brackets are fixed to your teeth. Each bracket is specially designed to help move your teeth. They have rounded edges to ensure you have maximum comfort. As they are made of ceramic they blend with the natural tooth colour so that they are as discreet as possible. They also do not stain.  Once the brackets are in place we place a tooth coloured wire which runs inbetween the brackets which helps to move the teeth into the correct position. The wire has memory which helps straighten the teeth.

Is fixed orthodontics my only option?

At Time Dental, your dentist in Aldershot, we have different options to suit different situations. No case is exactly the same, that’s why our team are certified users for all the treatment types. That way, after your detailed consultation with the dentist, he will give you his recommendations and you get to decide which treatment option is going to work best for you and suit your lifestyle.

If you’re interested call us on 01252 723 008 to see how we can help you.

Time Dental- Private dental care at its best.



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