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More confidence with straight teeth

What’s holding you back from a confident smile? Is it crooked teeth, gaps in between teeth, discoloured teeth or even all three? If your very self conscious about your smile you may find yourself avoiding having your photo taken or being a bit shy in social situations. At Time Dental, your dentist in Aldershot, clear braces are a treatment option that gives you the smile you have always wanted. As well as aligning your teeth and making your smile look good, you will also be able to clean your teeth easier which means healthy gums healthy teeth and a healthier you!

Clear braces

Having orthodontic braces used to mean having metal train tracks on your teeth for two to three years. Not anymore. Advances in dental technology now allows you to get straight teeth much faster and more discreetly. In Aldershot, clear orthodontic braces are very popular as you do not have to have a mouth full of metal anymore. We provide a number of clear dental brace solutions for adults. So if you feel you missed your chance for straightening your teeth as a teenager we can provide discreet options so it is now never too late!

Different options for different lifestyles

If your looking for clear braces in Aldershot, one option is the Invisalign clear aligners. These are removable, discreet aligners that move your teeth over a period of time. Another option is the clear fixed brackets. These are orthodontic braces that are fixed to your teeth for the duration of the treatment time. The great thing about this type of braces is that it is clear, so they are relatively discreet. Treatment time is really fast and can range from five to nine months! The other option is the Inman aligner which is also a removable brace and it is designed to align your upper or lower front four teeth only. Treatment time can be as little as 16 weeks. Another option is the discreet lingual brace. This is fixed brackets on the inside of your teeth. You cannot see these braces at all, and the treatment time can be eight to ten months. 

As you can see there are many options and it is important to be assessed carefully to see which option you would be suitable for. Each case is individual and that is where the diagnosis by our dentist is crucial. Once your options have been discussed you can choose which one is going to be suitable for your lifestyle.

So, what are you waiting for? If you are interested call 01252 723 008 to see how we can help you.

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