The Inman aligner is a fantastic orthodontic appliance that can move your teeth super fast. In as little as eight to twelve weeks! Many adults are self-conscious of crowded rotated or gappy front teeth which can really affect their self-confidence. Not showing your teeth when you smile, hiding your teeth with your hand, or not smiling at all. We hear this alot from our patients at Time Dental.
The Inman aligner is an orthodontic removable brace. That is designed to move your upper or lower front teeth. It is specifically designed to move the four upper or lower incisor teeth. It is relatively discreet and can be taken out when eating food so you can eat what you normally eat.
Using special springs that are incorporated into the orthodontic appliance, the Aligner gently squeezes the teeth into a better alignment. The appliance needs to be worn for a minimum of fifteen hours a day to ensure your teeth move correctly. You will need to see the dentist every two weeks for adjustments. The time frame for Inman Aligner treatment can vary between eight to twenty weeks depending on each case and how complex the teeth movements that are required.
No. The secret of the aligner is that it uses very gentle pressure to move the teeth into the correct position. Any initial discomfort can be dealt with using paracetamol.
That’s where we come in. At Time Dental we have treated many cases with the Inman Aligner. We been using this appliance to treat patients for 10 years, so we know when the Inman Aligner is the correct for of treatment option for you. The best thing to do is is arrange a FREE consultation with our dentist and he will be able to advise what will work for you and discuss all your treatment options.
So what are you waiting for? Call 01252 723 008 to arrange your FREE consultation and lets get you smiling confidently!
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