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Dentist Fleet FREE consultation for teeth straightening

dentist-fleetConfidence or lack of it can be a huge hurdle to overcome. We spend thousands on clothes, make-up, accessories, hair cuts every year in order to have confidence. Lots of people know how important a great smile is when meeting people. If you didn’t well this is an important message for you. Teeth Straightening in Fleet may be your answer.

Does that involve ugly orthodontic braces?

Orthodontic braces used to be metal fixed brackets and extremely visible treatment. When you’re already lacking in confidence when smiling, the last thing you want to do is draw attention to the one thing you are trying to hide! But that is what people did and often it was for two to three years of treatment! That has now changed.

So what’s new?

Orthodontic braces do not have to be metal train tracks. At dental practice in Fleet, we have many different options that can work to getting to your end goal. A confident smile. How does that sound? Time Dental is your dental practice and we offer different options that can be suited to your lifestyle. Options include fixed clear braces; clear aligners by Invisalign; the Inman aligner and discreet lingual braces.

So how do I know what is right for me?

Well, that depends on a number of factors: What are your goals? Is the speed of the treatment important to you? Does wearing brackets bother you? What is your initial starting point? Are your teeth very crowded? Do you have spaces in between your teeth?

As you can see it’s difficult to assess which option is going to be best for you until you’ve seen your professional dentist.

That’s where we come in. Time Dental is offering FREE consultation for adult orthodontic braces. You get to meet the dentist who will be carrying out your treatment and he’ll advise what will be appropriate for you. It’s as easy as that.

What are you waiting for? Call us on 01252 723 008 so we can help you on your journey.

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