Patients often come to see us at Time Dental for vertical lines on the upper and lower lip. This is sometimes referred to as smokers lines and we often recommend lip filler to deal with the problem.
As we get older the structure around the mouth changes.the bone supporting the upper lip begins to shrink. The muscle around the lip can lose its tone. The superficial fat layer under the skin is lost and the skin can lose its elasticity. All these factors can result in lines forming around the lips that give rise to the “smokers lines” even though you may not have smoked in your life. The lip support also drops resulting in thinner lips.
Men can get away with thin lips; however generally women find it more desirable to have more lips showing. Now I’m not saying that every woman should have voluminous lips. Every face is unique and each case needs to be assessed carefully. Focusing just on the lips would not be a sensible plan. There are aesthetic guidelines that your clinician should know and so advise what would be suitable for your face and age.
Treating vertical lines on the upper and lower lip may take a combination approach. Improving skin quality with moisturises and hydration; assessing whether it is necessary to have a fuller border of the lip; does your facial profile allow lips to be fuller; are the proportions of the face height correct? Is the skin damage due to exposure to the sun?
As you can see a careful assessment needs to be carried out before any treatment options can be recommended.
At Time Dental our Facial Clinician,Dr Rashid, has been trained by the best. He has the artistic eye, clinical skills as well as the safe technique to give a natural looking result.
Call us to see how we can help you on 01252 755448.
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