How does dental sedation work?
Dental sedation can be administered intravenously or orally, depending on your requirements, and you will be cared for before, during and after your treatment. However, we do recommend that you ask someone to take you home as you may feel a little light-headed after your treatment, but this feeling will last for no more than six hours.
- Oral sedation – You will take temazepam the night before your visit to the dentist, then another on the day of treatment. The medication slowly works its way into the bloodstream to ensure you are at a level of calm that ensures a smooth treatment process.
- Intravenous sedation – A small cannula is placed in a vein, normally in your arm or hand, and will slowly put you at a more calming level of consciousness. Your vitals, such as blood pressure and heart rate, will be monitored closely and you will remain conscious yet relaxed during treatment.
At Time Dental, sedation techniques are performed by professionals who have undergone a wealth of training and carried out this procedure many times before. It is our aim to ensure your comfort, input and peace of mind.
Speak with our team about sedation