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1st important habit for dental health

Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste

This is the first of the 3 most important ways to keep your teeth and gums in great shape.

National Smile Month has started and this is one of the 3 key messages it aims to promote. It may seem obvious but there is a huge percentage of the population who brush only once a day.

Why is brushing twice a day so important? It’s because within hours of brushing the harmful plaque bacteria, that causes tooth decay and gum disease, begins to reform. Brushing twice a day will keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Why a fluoride toothpaste? The outer surface of your tooth is called enamel. Fluoride helps to keep the enamel strong which helps make it resistant to acid attack.

Keep a look out for the next 2 important ways to keep a healthy mouth.

Until next time…….

Time Dental– Private dental care at its best

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