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Don’t forget the real reason for Christmas…

Christmas is around the corner. I’ve just been trying to do some shopping mid week and things are getting pretty crazy out there. It can be such a busy time of year. If you have kids you’ll know that there are loads of school events at Christmas time. Lots of Christmas parties and catching up with family and friends.

Christmas can also be a lonely and difficult time for many people too.

In all the Christmas rush don’t forget the real reason for Christmas. No I do not mean getting a visit from Santa Claus and filling your face with Turkey! Christmas is the time that we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The best present of all!

Why not come and hear the Christmas story told in a very fun way.

The Christmas nativity service is being held at Jubilee Church on Sunday 18th December at 10:15 am at Weydon School, Weydon Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8UG.

It will be loads of fun for the whole family. Your kids can also come dressed in character as someone from the Christmas story, actually there are plenty of grown-ups who also come dressed up too!

Hope to see you there!

Time Dental– Private dental care at its best.

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