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Hygiene Services For Fleet, Hampshire

You visit the dentist every 6 months for an examination like you’re supposed to, as that is all you need to do to look after your teeth, right?  Wrong!  Gum health is so important, and is often underestimated by people.  Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a disorder that damages the gums.  Gums protect the roots of the tooth.  Gum disease contributes to a receding gum line that can cause the weakening of teeth and eventually tooth loss.  Many people aren’t aware that they have it, but the signs and symptoms can be quite easy to detect.  Gum disease is diagnosed by bleeding, swollen and tender gums, loose teeth, receding gums and changes to the way permanent teeth or dentures fit together when biting.

Did you know…….

  • Periodontal disease is the number-one cause of tooth loss.
  • 30% of people may be genetically susceptible to gum disease
  • Emerging reports have linked gum disease to other medical conditions such as heart disease
  • Gum disease affects all races and ethnicities equally.
  • Millions of people have gum disease; they just don’t know it yet.
  • The mass of tissue in the oral cavity is equivalent to the skin on your arm that extends from the wrist to the elbow, that’s a lot of tissue that needs to be kept healthy!

Routine appointments with the hygienist are so important at maintaining a healthy mouth, and at Time Dental we are very lucky to have a resident expert who provides are hygiene services.  Patricia has had rave reviews from all our clients, and as a result her appointment book fills up fast!  In her sessions, as well as giving your mouth a full clean, scale and polish, Patricia will also guide you through correct brushing techniques specifically for you so you can continue to care for your mouth properly at home.

So call 01252 723008 and book in today for an initial consultation and start the journey towards a healthier mouth.

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