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What is a surgical tooth extraction?

Surgical tooth extraction is a procedure where a tooth is removed using specialised techniques. This is often necessary when a tooth is impacted, deeply rooted, or has a complex root structure. At Time Dental, we do all we can to protect your natural teeth and will always try to save a tooth but sometimes extractions are necessary.


Why does my tooth need to be extracted?

There are many reasons why a tooth might need to be extracted, such as:

Cavities – A cavity is a hole in a tooth that can be caused by bacteria. If a cavity is not treated, it can eventually cause the tooth to decay and break.

Impacted wisdom teeth – Wisdom teeth are the third molars that grow at the back of the mouth. Sometimes they do not have enough room to erupt properly and can become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, infection, and damage to other teeth.

Trauma – A tooth can be knocked out or broken if it is hit by a hard object. If this happens, the tooth will need to be extracted.

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Why choose us for your surgical tooth extraction?

Experienced dentists: Our team has years of experience performing surgical tooth extractions, ensuring a smooth and efficient procedure.

State-of-the-art equipment: We use the latest dental technology to provide the highest quality care.

Pain management: We prioritise your comfort and offer various pain management options to minimise discomfort during and after the procedure.

Personalised care: Your oral health is our top priority. We will tailor a treatment plan to meet your specific needs.


What to expect when you have a tooth extracted?

If you need to have a tooth extracted, there are a few things you can expect. We will first numb the area around the tooth. Then we will use a tool to loosen the tooth and another tool to remove it. The extraction site may bleed for a few minutes after the tooth is removed. We will pack the socket with gauze to help stop the bleeding.

Extractions can be a real form of relief, especially if the problem tooth is causing dental pain. In cases of a dental emergency, extractions are a common solution to addressing a serious dental problem and providing immediate relief. There are many options for replacing missing teeth as well, such as dental implants and dentures.

You will need to take it easy for a few days after the extraction. Avoid hot food and drinks and chewing on the side of your mouth where the tooth was extracted. You may also experience some pain and swelling. These symptoms should go away within a few days. If you have any questions or concerns about tooth extraction, please contact us and we can advise and assist you.


Simple extractions

Removing teeth can be a very straightforward procedure. For simple extractions, we loosen the tooth with dental forceps under local anaesthetic. The tooth comes out easily without touching the surrounding gums.

Surgical extractions

In some cases, we may need to give the tooth a helping hand to remove it successfully. A surgical extraction involves making a small incision in the gum to remove a tooth that may have broken off or is concealed under the gum. For large teeth, we may need to remove them in parts.


After your tooth extraction

Immediately after your tooth has been taken out, try to keep the site clean by rinsing it with warm, salty water. Encourage healing of the affected area by eating softer foods and chewing on the opposite side of your mouth. Also, try to avoid smoking or using a straw, as these can dislodge the clot that forms in the hole after extraction.

If you experience intense pain a few days after an extraction, you may have a condition known as dry socket, which occurs when a blood clot fails to form or is dislodged prematurely, exposing the bone. In this case, you will need to book an appointment with us and we will help to rectify the problem and alleviate any pain.

Don’t let a problematic tooth affect your quality of life. Schedule a consultation with our dental team today to discuss your options.

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Frequently asked questions

What to expect after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, you can expect the following:

  • Some bleeding and swelling in the area
  • Some pain
  • The need to avoid hot food and drinks
  • The need to avoid chewing on the side of your mouth where the tooth was extracted

These symptoms should go away within a few days. If you have any concerns or questions, please talk to us.

How long does it take to recover from tooth extraction?

The recovery time for tooth extraction varies from person to person. Most people can return to their normal activities within a day or so. However, some people may experience swelling and pain for a few days and up to a week if it was a complicated extraction. It is important to follow your dentist’s instructions for care and recovery.

When is a surgical tooth extraction necessary?

Surgical tooth extraction may be necessary in the following cases:

  • Impacted teeth: Teeth that are partially or fully covered by gum tissue.
  • Deeply rooted teeth: Teeth with complex root structures that make them difficult to extract using traditional methods.
  • Teeth that have been damaged or weakened by decay or infection.
Is a surgical tooth extraction painful?

We understand your concerns about pain. We use advanced techniques and pain management methods to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. These may include:

  • Local anaesthesia: Numbs the area around the tooth.
  • Sedation: Helps you relax during the procedure.
How long does a surgical tooth extraction take?

The duration of a surgical tooth extraction depends on the complexity of the procedure. However, most extractions can be completed in about 30 minutes to an hour.

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