Adult braces are becoming more popular these days. There’s no need to have metal train track braces. Now you can have straight teeth with Adult orthodontics to hep give you confidence.
A patient came to Time Dental near Godalming looking for options to straighten his upper teeth. He had orthodontic braces as a child and his teeth had now become crowded again. This is a very common occurrence due to retainers after the orthodontic treatment not being worn.
On assessing his mouth his main concern was the upper front teeth overlapping. His options were fixed orthodontic braces that can be tooth coloured running on the outside of the teeth or they can also be fixed onto the inner side of the teeth. Another option would be clear aligner adult orthodontic braces such as Invisalign. These are virtually invisible and the clear aligners are changed every 2 weeks to help move the teeth into a straight position. Another option is the Inman aligner. This is a removable orthodontic adult brace that uses very gentle pressure to squeeze the teeth into a straighter alignment. The treatment time can take between 8-18 weeks depending on the initial degree of crowding.
Time Dental provides this service for patients in Godalming as well as other areas in Surrey.
Time Dental- Private Dental care at its best.
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