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Why do I need to see a dentist every 6 months?

National Smile Months 3rd key message is:

Visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend

Why do I need to visit the dentist regularly?

This is a great question and at Time Dental in Farnham, Surrey we love helping people on their dental journeys and educating them about their dental health. As we have already discussed in previous posts, plaque bacteria that causes tooth decay can build up on your teeth within hours of brushing. This means that your teeth and gums are under regular attack from the bacteria, which can result in your teeth and gums can quickly deteriorating  in areas of your mouth that you cannot see.

The problem is tooth decay and gum disease can start without you feeling any symptoms. This means by the time that your teeth are causing you pain it can often result in more advanced, complex treatment to sort it out . Dentists can use magnified lenses called loupes to check on the health of your teeth and gums as well as check in-between your teeth using x-ray radiography. That way they can give you the correct preventative advice early to help you keep your mouth in tip top shape.

Dentists also check for oral cancer, jaw joint problems, aesthetic problems, help reduce certain types of migraines, give dietary advice and give you excellent tips on how to look after your gnashers.  They can also detect general systemic conditions such as anaemia as they often first show signs in the mouth.

Why can’t I just see a hygienist?

It’s an excellent habit to regularly see a hygienist to help keep your gums healthy. They are also expert in dental health advice and treating gum disease. Dentists, however, have had the necessary extensive training and qualifications to be able to diagnose dental health conditions and help to ensure that your entire mouth is kept healthy.

There are so many people who think that if things aren’t hurting or causing them any pain then everything is fine. That’s the equivalent of burying your head in the sand! Don’t do it.

Most dentists are nice people who want to help. You just need to find one. Like us!

Time Dental- Private dental care at its best.

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