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Confident smile after teeth straightened….. Check this out!

before adult braces at Time Dental in Farnham, Surreyadult-braces-Time Dental-Farnham-Surrey

This is Michelle. She didn’t like her smile because her teeth were overlapping. She initially said that it didn’t affect her in any way, but when she thought about it she said she wouldn’t show her teeth when she smiled and she tended to keep her lips closed when having photos taken. So without realising it her crooked teeth were affecting her subconsciously!

This is a very typical story which we have heard alot at Time Dental. This is why after fully assessing her case we were able to give her treatment options to help her smile without hiding her teeth.

Her options were to use clear aligners to incrementally move her teeth into the right position. They are very discreet and treatment time would take about 12-18 months. Another option was clear fixed brackets. These are like traintracks but the brackets are clear that make them very discreet. The time frame is approximately 7-10 months. The other option was a removable appliance called the Inman aligner and the time frame was about 5 months.

Michelle wanted to get her treatment finished as soon as possible. So she opted for the Inman aligner.

You can see her result above. We finished her treatment in only 5 months and she was walking away smiling and showing her teeth! Now that is a result.

If you’re interested in straightening your teeth, then call 01252 723 008. And see how we can help you.

Time Dental– private dental care at its best.

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