Have you ever thought:is this it in our life, or is there more to life than this? I know it’s a deep question but it’s certainly worth asking don’t you think?
I see many patients in my line of work and overtime I get to know them well. People are so busy these days with work life, family life and personal life stuff. You may feel that you’re really struggling with things, or maybe you’re quite happy with your life and your really enjoying it. What ever stage or season you are in, surely asking the question why am I here? Is there more to life than this? Is a question worth investigating?
The Alpha course may help you on your journey. It’s a course that explores the Christian faith in a very relaxed informal way. The course is FREE and runs over 11 weeks. Dinner will be provided each week.
It’s.starting at Weydon Christian Centre with a dinner, live Jazz music, introduction and discussion on Wednesday the 26th September at 7:30 pm.
Click on this link to sign up: https://jubilee.churchsuite.co.uk/events/u7eirzwk
It will be a fantastic event. Hope to see you there!
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